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Energy Focus RedCap® Now A Registered Trademark

Energy Focus Blog


The Energy Focus RedCap® Emergency Battery Backup has officially been made a registered trademark!

Trademarks typically refer to a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, or image. They may be designated as an unregistered trademark by the ™ symbol or as a registered trademark by the ® symbol.

Energy Focus registering the trademark for RedCap® is important for the company and the branding of our products.

The Energy Focus RedCap® Emergency Battery Backup TLED is a high-performance tube with a direct-wire installation that provides140lm/W efficacy. The incredible thing about this TLED is that the batteries, charger, discharger, and indicator light are all packaged within the tube! There is no need for an emergency ballast with this design or components to install with this tube. Having this integrated design means that the RedCap® consumes less space than traditional emergency lighting systems.

RedCap® is the first Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved battery backup TLED that has all the components fully integrated into the tube. It only uses 11W of power but will illuminate for the electrical-code-required 90 minutes.

If you are in need of an emergency battery backup TLED, the RedCap® should be your first choice! Contact us and a customer service agent will be in touch to answer any questions or to help place an order.